Thursday, December 16, 2010

Came back and celebrated Idul-Adha in the village again. Went to the mosque with my host sister =)

On our walk to the mosque…it is so peaceful and beautiful as the sun rises over the village in the morning.

Did Thanksgiving Indonesia-style with Rujak Manis (fresh fruit served with a spicy peanut and sweet soy sauce dip), Es Kelapa Muda (tender coconut water), and Pumpkin Kolak (pumpkin pieces cooked in sweet coconut milk—because we have to have something pumpkin-made for Thanksgiving).

Made “hand turkeys” on Thanksgiving Day in my classes.

Cut one of my students’ hair after he was given a really bad haircut at school…actually I didn’t do much…I probably made it worse. He later went to the barber and got it fixed for real. But it was pretty funny to watch.


  1. so amazing that you got to go to the mosque and experience that. sheesh all i can say is that i am jealous ... cause i am extremely! thanksgiving dinner looks good "Indo" style! i can't believe that poor boy let you take a scissors to his hair! what was he thinking??? lol

  2. Yeah, I would never trust you with my hair...

  3. Yeah I really don't know what he was thinking...but his hair was pretty messed up. I wouldn't have trusted me with my hair either.
