Monday, March 15, 2010

The next 3 months

For the first 3 months of my time in Indonesia I will be in "training" to become fluent in the language, understand the people and culture, and realize how to best assimilate into their society.  We will all be very busy during those months, so I have been told that I will have very limited internet access.  I hope to post to this blog as often as I can, but please be patient if you don't see anything for a while! I will be posting videos, pictures, and stories whenever I get the opportunity!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Small World

The more I venture out into the world, the more I realize that it's so much smaller than I ever believed. Through this blog I want to bring Southeast Asia a little closer to home.

As I journey to Indonesia as a volunteer with the Peace Corps, I also hope this blog will give me the opportunity to keep in contact with my friends and family and to provide an open and transparent look into my experiences. In my mind, I would like this to become a collection of regular postings and pictures on my part, but also contributions and feedback on your part as well. I would love your insights into to differences and similarities between these countries and cultures!
